Core features Teaserlists
Concentrate on your content! Managing overview pages becomes nearly obsolete with this feature to automatically create teasers linking your articles whereever you need them.

For easy creation of overview pages or topic overviews we offer probably the most comprehensive page list function available for TYPO3. With its intuitive interface, it offers a variety of possibilities to create a list of markers according to all conceivable editorial criteria.
Possible, partly combinable selection criteria:
- all subpages of this page/another page
- Show only the direct subpages/all subpages arbitrarily deep
- Show only pages with the page type [XY]
- Show only pages that are linked to category/categories [XY]
- Show only pages that are linked to the keyword(s) (tag/s) [XY]
- Show only pages from/up to a specific publication date
- Display these pages [page selection].
Possible sort settings:
- Show page teaser chronologically
- With person page, issue page or product page feature: sort alphabetically
- With map feature: by location
- Show page teaser in ascending/descending/random order
Possible display options:
- Set a link in the list header (if displayed) - e.g. to a complete list
- Limit Tesaserlist to maximum [XY] records
- Show only teasers to pages of type [XY]
- Paginate the list of results
- Offer "load more" button to reload [number] of additional page teasers
- Show 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 pages terasers per row (in desktop-size window)
- Show short titles, if available
- Display up to three combinable filters for the results on the website (standard options: page type, search term, linked category)
- With issues or tags feature: Show related category, if available
- With persons feature: Show related person, if available
- With products feature: show a quick order button for each product item and the shopping cart content for the list
- With rss feature: offer the selection as an active RSS feed
- With map feature: Display by location
- NEW: Omit the first [#] results (offset function). This setting allows you to split a search into several lists with different designs, e.g. to display the first two results larger.
Caching options:
For performance-critical pages, lists are available in a version that can be cached. The following functions are not available in the cached version:
- Paginate the list of results
- Display up to three combinable filters for the results on the website (standard options: page type, search term, linked category)
- Blog overview: Source: Subpages of this page of page type blog, show two teasers per row, sorted by publication date descending
- People overview: Source: Subpages of this page of page type person, show people teaser, sorted alphabetically
- Issue page: Show all pages that are linked to the issue category [XY]
Planned, but not yet implemented:
- Special list variant for person teasers (as the person feature does not use pages)
- Selection criteria: Show only pages that are linked to the person(s) [XY].
- Extended offset function: Omit results that have already been displayed in the lists [XYZ].
This feature is based on this extension:
This feature was already used in the TYPO3 versions:
8, 9, 10, 11

The possibilities of a page list extension is shown on the website of the IfW Kiel, here as expert list (right) or as publication list (left).

The teaser list of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag has been extended and already shows the experts assigned to a report in the teaser.

This example form the German Conservationist Ring webiste illustrates the applicable filters for the frontend user.