Users are now accustomed to only transmitting sensitive data via encrypted forms. However, this only secures part of the path, the path to the web server. But how does the data get from there to the actual recipient? Often simply by e-mail. This may have been a secure way in the early days of the internet, when both the web server and the email server were still located in the basement. Today, both are usually located somewhere on the Internet and an e-mail is about as suitable for the transmission of sensitive data as a postcard. The simplest solution is to encrypt the e-mail with the data itself. This is done by our encryption option in various form processing functions. Notifications about new form entries are only sent if a valid PGP or S/MIME key has been stored for the e-mail address entered for this purpose. PGP and S/MIME are the two common encryption methods, of which every common e-mail programme supports one or the other variant. 

SInce setting up encryption on the recipient's side is not entirely self-explanatory it usually requires the support of a system administrator. However, experience has shown that this is less complicated than the alternatives (such as setting up a "tunneled" connection to the mail server or sending mails only with a link to retrieve the mail data in the password-protected CMS backend).

The encryption feature is integrated into TYPO3's e-mail dispatch, so it can also encrypt e-mails that were not generated by forms.

This feature is based on this extension:

This feature was already used in this(these) version(s):
9, 10, 11