Content objects Big Numbers
Content object for displaying and explaining impressive statistics in the form of large numbers that automatically count up.

Animated presentation of editorially entered numbers (up to 4 numbers).
Achievements, problems, relationships can be described in words, but sometimes it is more impressive to convey them by highlighting a certain key figure. For this purpose, there is the number element. Several individual number elements can be combined in a container with up to 4 elements per line (on the desktop).
A pure number is entered for each element, which is displayed in a uniform size for all elements. Depending on the space available for the element, the number is shortened, if necessary, with bay letters (M for millions, k for thousands). The unit (e.g. "percent more", "million € per year") can be entered freely as text and is displayed directly below the large number / unit. To explain the number, fields are available for a super headline and/or a symbol image or icon (as an image), which appear above the large number/unit, as well as for a short explanatory text (as directional text, so that links to sources could also be set in it), which appears below it. The numbers are animated by counting up to the entered value once within 2 seconds as soon as the visitor scrolls to the area. Symbol images or icons are displayed at a fixed height; if you do not use them, the space for the icon is not available, i.e. you should provide all elements of a line with an icon or none at all. The symbol images / icons should also be of similar size in the original.
For the container element itself, a superheadline, headline and body text can also be entered. The container for the number element appears by default in the design of an info box. Similar to the breaking element, the container can be used with a half-tinted background image. If a background image is entered in the container, however, it does not scroll along with the image but remains rigid in the background, so the area is virtually free to view the image (and can therefore be as long as desired).
This feature does not require an extension.
This feature has already been used in the TYPO3 versions:
9, 10, 11