Campaigning Supporter list
Display your supporters in an attractive and versatile pinboard format.

Special content object with which support (e.g. for a demand or a person) collected via a specific support action page can be made visible as a list on any standard page. The display is typically in square tiles, which allows testimonials with and without a statement as well as with and without a picture to be presented in a uniform, attractive form. In this way, support on the support action page remains low-threshold without having to forego display options.
- The list can be limited, paginated or extended like other lists.
- Three or four tiles can be displayed next to each other
- If a picture is available, only this is displayed. On the desktop, the name and, if applicable, the statement appear when hovering with the cursor, otherwise by clicking. The tile expands and then remains like this for 20 seconds before it rotates back again.
- At a fixed position in the list, a special tile is displayed with a Call To Action (CTA) that leads to the supporter form.
- Text and button labelling of the CTA can be defined in the list settings.
Optional functions:
- Six tiles are also possible, one next to the other, but the maximum statement length must be reduced to approx. 80 characters.
- The tile design is also suitable for the optionally possible merging with supports that can be automatically taken over from Twitter by reading out defined hashtags. The Twitter account images - if available - are used as tiles.
- In the case of different sources, the source can be displayed as an icon.

Einsatz im Rahmen der Kampagne der IG Metall.

Einsatz als Unterstützer*innen Galerie mit und ohne Bild im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus-Wahlkampf 2017
This feature is based on this extension:
Previous implementations with ww.edit CMS