Add-on functionality Faceted search (Solr)
If you need facet filters or just more performance for your full-text search.

If more than a simple full text search is required for extensive offers, we offer a full text search with the open source additional software Solr. Especially for so called facetin filters we recommend to set up the search with Solr. Solr is based (like the alternative product Elastcsearch) on the Lucene program library and is installed on a separate server - the feature is therefore associated with higher running costs.
- By default, we offer three types of facet filters: linked category (from a category tree), linked person and date range.
- Multiple selection: Multiple facets can be selected
- Combination: Several types of facets can be combined as filters (the documents that meet most criteria are displayed first)
- Selected filters are displayed with the result and can be removed again with one click
Further facet filters are possible, but would require an individual calculation.
Not included are functions such as a preview of the number of possible results or a non-selection of combinations that do not lead to any results. In most cases the disadvantages of soclher functions (a lot of computing time to display the options and a more complicated interface) outweigh their advantages. We are happy to implement such an option, which Solr supports in principle, if it makes sense in a special case.
This feature is based on this extension:
This feature was already used in this(these) version(s)
8, 9, 10, 11